This week saw the launch of "A New Dream", an official IFA book by Nigel Tilson (pictures by William Cherry) documenting the story of the 2022 NI Women's Euro journey.
Packed with content and crammed full of wonderful pictures this publication really is a must have for all fans of women's football in Northern Ireland and further afield.
You can obtain your copy of the book through the IFA @ however the even better news is that we have one copy to give away in our Christmas competition.
All you have to do to enter is to answer the following question:
In the backdrop in our video where we are interviewing Nigel Tilson and Julie Nelson there are six numbers on view, all we want to know is what word features below the number 6?
Stick your answers into the comments and we will put all the correct one into a hat and draw the winner this Saturday 17th December.
Good luck and enjoy the video!