NI Women's Football Show | Episode Four

By 1880 Video | May 11, 2023
In case you missed it on Freeview earlier here's the fourth and final episode of this series of the "NI Women's Football Show".

Introduced by Jana McCabe and Rachel Magill our first guest this week is Sion Swifts Ladies And Girls FC player Siobhan Higgins who, since the show was recorded, has sadly had her season cut short through injury. Siobhan talks us through her career to date including playing in America and various countries across Europe as well as with Hearts Women FC and Hibs Women in the Scottish Women's Premier League

Our second guests is Morgan Hanna, a young woman just starting to make her mark on both the local women's game at Larne Women but also internationally with the NI Under 17’s. Morgan reflects on her career to date as well as her current involvement with the Belfast Met Football Academy

Also in this edition our outside cameras catch up with Northern Ireland Women's Football Association Championship side Ballyclare Comrades Ladies FC

This show has been kindly sponsored by @Next Level Sports and is produced in association with E3 Studios at The Belfast Met Film and TV School and broadcast partners Northern Visions nvtv Belfast

Feel free to share as we continue to grow media coverage of the local women's game in Northern Ireland.

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